Catalog and Company Profile

General Catalog
A inclusive product lines is listed in the general catalog. It helps you to find out the most suitable model for your needs, with detailed specifications, features, application examples described in the catalog. You will be welcomed to contact us if you have questions.

Company Profile
TANABE WILLTEC focused on developing high-quality products and outstanding technology since its founding. You will find our company vision, mission, and overview of products and services, company strengths, achievements, employee introduction, etc. in our company profile.

Centrifugal Extractors
With a wide range of Centrifugal extractors, we are committed to propose the most precise and efficient liquid separation process in a reliability and performance.

Data Sheet(Normal)
Please fill in the form for lab test or sample test and send to our sales department.

Data Sheet(Extractors)
Please fill in the form for lab test or sample test and send to our sales department.

Wastewater Regulation Substance Content-Free Confirmation Form
Please fill in the form for lab test or sample test and send to our sales department.
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry.